Post description and blog description are very important, not because it tells visitors about your blog or post content because nobody reads it, I am talking about me, I don't read description of a site... Don't know about you :P . To me blog or post description both are just a way to show posts and blog on search engines. Because I use keywords in description so that search engines show my blog when someone types a relevant keyword which is present in my description.
But what if you are using best keywords and still you get only fewer views or no views from search engines? if its happening with you then it means that the description that you are using is not having keywords which visitors are searching, so you need to find these keywords and replace them with existing ones.
One last thing that I am going to tell you in this post is that if you change description again and again, you will need to wait for atleast 1 week to let search engines crawl your site and update the description. Which will definitely take alot of time because you will not get the best results from first changes but you might need to change description several times until you get some + positive results. So I brought a simple solution for this, now you don't have to wait for a week but you can set a time after which search engine robots will recrawl your site.
So you can change, watch results and see if its improving your traffic or not.
The solution for fast crawling is a meta tag mentioned below. You need to put it in your blog's template below <head> and set the time after which robots will crawl your site again
<meta name="revisit-after" content="1 days"/>
Remember that too much crawling of a site is not good so you need to change your description between given time and look for + positive results. After getting more traffic remove the meta tag
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